ActiveAdmin Tutorial
- Last modified atWhat is ActiveAdmin?
Active Admin is a Ruby on Rails plugin for generating administration sytle interfaces. The goals of this plugin are easy-to-use for non-techical users and fast for developers.
How To Use ActiveAdmin
Suppose we are create Blog web application.
$> rails new blog
Add the following line to your Gemfile.
# Gemfile
gem 'activeadmin'
Run bundle install.
$> bundle install
Install ActiveAdmin.
$> rails generate active_admin:install
After installation is finished, it will create:
- An configuration file on config/initializers/active_admin.rb
- AdminUser model on app/models/admin_user.rb
- An directory called app/admin to configure the admin interface of our resource.
- Migration files.
Migrate your db and start the server.
$> rails db:migrate
$> rails server
Visit http://localhost:3000/admin
and log in using:
- Email:
- Password: password
Next, for integration with our model, let’s create Post
$> rails g model Post title:string content:text
Create admin interface for Post
model. Because we use ActiveAdmin, we don’t need to create controller for Post
model. This generator will create file on app/admin/posts.rb
$> rails generate active_admin:resource Post
Above command creates a file at app/admin/posts.rb
for configuring the resource.
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
index do
column :title
column :content
Visit http://localhost:3000/admin/posts
to see the result.
More information about ActiveAdmin
- Tags:
- #ruby
- #rails
- #ruby on rails