Benchmark Jekyll Build Time - Ruby MRI vs JRuby
- Categories:
- ruby
Jekyll is a static site generator that use Ruby as programming language. Because of my curiosity about Jekyll build time performance with JRuby, I want to validate my hypothesis that JRuby will make Jekyll build time faster than Ruby MRI (Matz’s Ruby Intepreter) / Official implementation.
- Vagrant 2.2.0
- Virtual Box 5.2.20
- Vagrant Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04
- Vagrant RAM: 2GB
- Vagrant CPU: 2
- Both MRI and JRuby are installed with RVM.
List of Ruby Gems
List of my all Ruby Gems on Gemfile:
# frozen_string_literal: true
source ""
git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "{repo_name}" }
gem 'jekyll', '3.8.5'
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem 'jekyll-sitemap', '1.2.0'
gem 'jekyll-seo-tag', '2.5.0'
gem 'jekyll-paginate-v2', '2.0.0'
How Do I Run The Test?
Run Jekyll Clean
jekyll clean
Run Jekyll Build with production environment
JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build # example output Configuration file: /vagrant/ Source: /vagrant/ Destination: /vagrant/ Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental Generating... AutoPages: Generating tags pages AutoPages: Generating categories pages AutoPages: Generating collections pages Pagination: Complete, processed 91 pagination page(s) done in 110.613 seconds. Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
Ruby Version | Build Time (seconds) |
ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux] | 112.241 |
ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x86_64-linux] | 114.833 |
ruby 2.6.1p33 (2019-01-30 revision 66950) [x86_64-linux] | 110.613 |
jruby (2.5.0) 2018-12-06 6d5a228 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.191-b12 on 1.8.0_191-8u191-b12-2ubuntu0.16.04.1-b12 +jit [linux-x86_64] | 173.476 |
- In my case Ruby MRI is faster than JRuby.
- Ruby MRI 2.5 & 2.6 almost give similar performance.
- I think my Jekyll site is better to use Ruby MRI. Not only because it’s give better build time performance, but also some of Jekyll plugins that I want to use does not work well with JRuby.
- Tags:
- #ruby
- #jruby
- #mri
- #jekyll
- #performance
- #benchmark