In this tutorial, we’ll create a small C library that provides a function to add two integers, and then we’ll use FFI in Ruby to call that function.

1. Create the C Library

First, we’ll write a simple C library with a function to add two integers.

// myadder.c

#include <stdio.h>

// Function to add two integers
int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

2. Compile the C Library

Compile this code into a shared library. On Unix-based systems (Linux, macOS), you can use the following command:

gcc -shared -o -fPIC myadder.c

On Windows, you would use:

gcc -shared -o adder.dll myadder.c

3. Use FFI in Ruby

Now, we’ll write Ruby code to use the ffi gem to call the add function from our C library. If you haven’t already installed the ffi gem, you can do so using:

gem install ffi
# caller.rb
require 'ffi'

module Adder
  extend FFI::Library

  # Load the shared library
  ffi_lib './'  # Use 'libadder.dll' on Windows

  # Attach the add function
  # Maps the `add` function from the C library to Ruby.
  # The arguments and return type are specified in the array (`[:int, :int]`
  # for two integers and `:int` for the return type).
  attach_function :add, [:int, :int], :int

# Use the add function
result = Adder.add(3, 7)
puts "The result of adding 3 and 7 is: #{result}"

Running the Example

Ensure that the compiled shared library ( or adder.dll) is in the same directory as your Ruby script or in a directory included in your library path.

Run your Ruby script:

ruby caller.rb

You should see the output:

The result of adding 3 and 7 is: 10

You can explore the code by visiting my GitHub repository.