How to Fix Frozen String Literal Error
frozen_string_literal is one of easiest way to optimize Ruby application, but sometimes it raises error if your old code is not compatible.
Date Operation in Ruby
Date operation example in Ruby with or without Rails and Active Record
Rails Object#presence vs Object#try
Based on my micro benchmark, Object#presence has better performance than Object#try
Sinator - Sinatra Application Generator
Sinator is a tool to generate Sinatra based web application with Sprockets, Puma, and Sequel
Nokogiri 1.6.8 Error When Installing Rails 5.0.0.rc1
Remove xz package from Homebrew fix my error.
Sequel vs Active Record ORM Benchmark on PostgreSQL
it seems Sequel has better result
How Do I Make Google Analytics Working With Turbolinks 3
You need move Google Analytics send pageview function from head tag to body tag
How Do I Deploy Discourse with Mina
Step by step how to setup server and deploy Discourse with Mina
Route Globbing In Ruby on Rails
explanation about route globbing in Ruby on Rails
Linkedin Share Button in Rails 4 with Turbolinks Enabled
How to fix duplicate in.js loaded, any parameters will be ignored when implement Linkedin share button with Turbolinks.
Ruby Simple Progress Bar Without Ruby Gems
Example script how to create progress bar without Ruby gem
Ruby Whois Script - whois.rb
Example Ruby whois script to check domain name
ID-Ruby - Indonesian Ruby Community
Introduction to Indonesian Ruby community
Ruby 2.0: What We Want to Accomplish in the Near Future
Matz, the founder of Ruby, talks about Ruby 2.0 and the future of Ruby.
ActiveAdmin Tutorial
Simple tutorial Active Admin Ruby gem
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